About Us
For over 40 years, the least visible company in fly tying has been filling your vest and supplying your tying bench with its products.
The revolution in fly fishing hasn't only come from graphite rods, CNC-machined reels, and specialty fly lines. There's been a revolution in fly tying too. Think dubbing and braids and ribbing and chenilles in all colors and sizes. Think flash products that add sparkle and life to your imitations, not to mention fly dressings that float them higher and longer, and tools and vises that make tying easier and more efficient.
And since 1978, well before "The Movie", before braided loops or large arbor reels or breathable waders or multi-tip fly lines, an innovative little company near the Rogue River in Southern, Oregon has been quietly working to improve and perfect fly tying materials. During those years we've supplied, and continue to supply, some of the biggest names in fly fishing. Chances are you're already fishing and tying with our products without knowing it.
Today, Cascade Crest Tool's materials are available under their own label too. Cool stuff like Vernille (aka ultra chenille), Holographic Flash, Crystal Micro Flash, Master Brite, Ultra Braid and TriLobal synthetic hackle. And a line of high quality fly tying tools and vises that are so affordable you'll wonder why everyone isn't using them.
So now, when you see the Cascade Crest Tools logo on one of our many products sold in hundreds of fly shops across the country and overseas - think of us as a company who's been there, done that. And while many of our products are imitated (and sometimes flat out copied!) rest assured that Cascade Crest Tools is one of the innovators - a grassroots company that has been here from the get-go, and will be here tomorrow.

Cascade Crest Tools,
Founder / Owner
Website proudly designed and operated by Walker Satterfield.